Team Member Spotlight: Josh Paulsen, Jr. Developer
Describe your role with Dynepic in one sentence.
I document, test, and build everything I can for Dynepic. Over the past six years I’ve had the chance to do almost everything. Now with the shift into the USAF space, I’m responsible for on-boarding users, verifying acceptance criteria against work the platform devs have completed, and documenting the platform as we build it!
What excites you most about working with Dynepic?
Seeing endless opportunities and innovation happen right in front of me. I’ve seen the development of new products and watched them all grow one step at a time. Watching the progress and growth of Dynepic has excited me everyday for six years.
Tell me about the coolest thing you’re working on right now.
Outside of work I am developing my first “Steam” (Windows) game using the unity engine. It's called Endless Orbit - and is set in space! I know this lines up with what we are working on now but I've held onto this idea since I was 15 and am finally acting on it!
Why are you interested in AR/VR technology?
I’m particularly interested in mobile AR. I was first introduced to Augmented Reality with the release of Apple's ARKit. My colleagues have also sparked my interest in VR technology this year after seeing a few projects they worked on. As a developer I realize there is endless opportunity in the AR/VR space if you have the talent!
What energizes you?
My mom energizes me honestly, she has really shown me that people can handle a lot more problems than they realize at the time. She also really shows me anything is possible, and to never give up.
What is one thing you’re particularly passionate about or proud of?
I’m passionate about IOS development and proud of the portfolio I've built so far. I started this work in 2015 and have published apps ever since then as I've improved my skills and it's been a ton of fun seeing where it has led me so far.
What's the best advice you’ve ever received?
“Everything happens for a reason.” I try and remember this advice as it's a good way to keep myself grounded.
Who would play you in a movie, and what kind of movie would it be?
Michael Cera - and it would be a comedy.
Pets? Hobbies? Tell me something we don’t know about you!
- Pets: I have one dog named Ernie. He is a pitbull mix and I love him!
- Hobbies: I am trying to learn more about cars and understand how they work a bit more. I like taking pictures of cars and currently post that online!
Anything else you’d like to share?
I didn’t take the normal college route like most people do. Krissa gave me a chance at an early age and has pushed me to grow in many aspects of life. I feel like I wouldn’t be half of the person I am today without Krissa. I got hired at Dynepic at a really weird time in my life where I couldn’t focus. She helped me reset and gain a passion for this type of work.